6Appeal in Breakout Box mode – 13pin Guitar to DAW

Just a short test ride, how to use 6Appeal as active breakout box for a 13pin guitar. This means you route each string separately out from your guitar, into your soundcard (or mixer) and are free to apply panning and do crazy postprocessing.

This time I used 6Appeal’s analog distortion, but one can just turn down Drive and Level, turn up Dry and thus output really strong clean signal (with adjustable Gain).

For connectors, yep, 6Appeal uses TRS outputs, so there’s one output for a pair of strings. If your soundcard has TS inputs, you have to use insert adapters or insert cables to route the signal. I’ve got MOTU 828, so I used TRS to double TS cables (insert cables) that costs me 30 bucks – and these are gold plated Klotz cables.

For the signal: we have a Schecter Ultra guitar with Roland GK-3 pickup (V-Guitar divided pickup), that goes to 6Appeal with a 13pin cable, and from there to soundcard.

For effects used: standard Logic Pro X stuff – different guitar amp model on each guitar string, some reverbs, delays, rotary speaker for high E string and subbass for lower E and A.

The tune that I play so sloppily is “Pachka sigaret” (“A Package of Cigarettes”) by Russian band Kino.

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