
Boutique hexaphonic pickup in action

Mr Mart Pauklin jamming with hexaphonic analog distortion effect pedal 6Appeal (by us, Spicetone), using an ESP Viper equipped with a handwound hexaphonic pickup by Luthier Halvo Liivamägi.

It’s a direct recording through a MOTU soundcard. Panning and cabinet models are applied in DAW (Ableton Live).

Me gusta aunque no sepa usarlo

I’m not too good with Spanish language, but it seems these guys like us. Muchas gracias!


– Bueno mas que overdrive, es un fuzz, polifónico, con octavas muy parecido a lo que obtienes con el microsynth de ehx, dije similar, en realidad el demo me recordó al efecto en el sinte de Jump, la marca es de Estonia, esta muy bien logrado, es para música experimental, a algunos les podría interesar.

– Se ve chingòn, aunque algo aparatoso pero obligadamente estético, nada mal.

– El diseño está mamalon, me gusta aunque no sepa usarlo…


– esta shido para experimentar y explorar sonidos mientras se aprende a usarlo aunque eso puede llevar buen rato.

6Appeal Makes a Great Companion for A Singer/Songwriter

A real world proof that 6Appeal hexaphonic overdrive can really fill the background for a solo singer to stand out. I mean, acoustic guitar would be great, too, but it never really fills the stage. It’s one take, except a brief solo.

The Song: “If Your Soul is Tender”, music by Kristel Mägedi, lyrics by Latvian poet Eduards Veidenbaums (1867-1892), translation by Margus “Contra” Konnula. Continue reading “6Appeal Makes a Great Companion for A Singer/Songwriter”

Max MSP / Ableton Live patch for 6Appeal

A contribution from Enda Bates:

“I’ve created a Max MSP patch that demonstrates how to use MIDI to control the 6Appeal. The patch, as well as some screenshots are attached below. I’ve tested this in Max MSP 6.1.8, however I havnt checked it in the free Runtime version of Max yet. I imagine it should work there in exactly the same way (although you wont be able to edit or modify the patch). I’ve included controls for the presets, all of the main Pot controls, and a small selection of the most common menu items. If you want to access other menu items, you can just copy and paste an existing control and tweak the MIDI note number to the new value.” Continue reading “Max MSP / Ableton Live patch for 6Appeal”

Initial Feedback from Enda Bates

Mr Enda Bates, a musician, composer, producer and academic based in Dublin, Ireland, is one of the first users of 6Appeal. He was so kind to provide detailed feedback and comments. Here they are in full length. No cuts or editing from Spicetone, as we’re enthusiasts, not spin doctors.

“The Build Quality is really good; it feels quite sturdy and the cable connections are strong (13-pin connectors can be tricky like that sometimes, but not here).

The sound quality is, on first impression, fantastic (I really love that analogue distortion) and I can easily imagine this being used in mono-output mode for recording heavily distorted guitar tracks (stuff in the style of Siamese Dream era Smashing Pumpkins would sound great with this type of distortion).  Continue reading “Initial Feedback from Enda Bates”