Estonian only guitar magazine Kitarr interviewed (thanks, Kris!) us and superb Rainer “Herzog” Jancis (Metro Luminal, Felis Ultramarinus, Ükskõik, Modern Ethic) checked out our pedal. Here’s a nice video demo. I’m alway impressed, how 6Appeal sound when played by a real musician. Chellos and arabic instruments, jeez… Anyway, here’s the video (thanks again, Kris!): Continue reading “Estonian Kitarr Magazine”
First Video of 6Appeal in Action
Upgraded a brand new Squier with Roland GK pickup in “wrong” position, where there’s real sound. No intention to use it for MIDI tracking, though I should give it a try. The song is a rather common A minor jam I invented on the fly (“Spring is too Quick”) is the title:P
The guitar still needs some intonation work and I didn’t bother too much on getting the mics right, not to mention my sloppy playing. It’s Hohner MH41 tube amp, 210 with diy 112 cabinet, two Shure mics. And 6Appeal hexaphonic overdrive.
Three layers – cleaner track, some soloing with high resonance filter settings (sustain on low volume), and some modulations to spice it up. Electribe for beat and Cort Action for bass.
Yours, Vahur from Spicetone
Punk Legend
Punk legend Villu Tamme (J.M.K.E.) came to check out how 6Appeal sounds. Even though he’s not gearhead and does gigs with the same Musima Lead Star since 1989, he said he really digs the sound and the possibility to get jazzy with complex chords. Continue reading “Punk Legend”
Dancing with Wolves
Rein, Spicetone’s main driving force, did some home recording:
Mr Steve Hackett, one of the greatest guitar players of all times, gave a superb concert in Tallinn. Good old Genesis stuff, excellent backing band, Nokia Concert Hall fully packed, people standing up and applauding for ages.
We had a unique opportunity to meet Steve in backstage. Rein gave him a little souvenir from Tallinn – a signed 6Appeal pedal from Spicetone. Steve gave it a try immediately.
Birthday Gift
Spicetone got a birthday gift from from Sirgu and Protolab. Continue reading “Birthday Gift”
Kitarr Magazine
Estonian guitar magazine Kitarr and a legendary guitarist Herzog paid us a visit.
Ways of Testing
New Shiny Case
Protolab is redesigning our case. It will be neater, slimmer, lighter and, surprisingly so, even more tougher than the previous version. Even though “built like a tank” is an overexploited term for a guitar effect box, it’s still a very suitable way to put it… Conventional guitar effect companies never show you the “kitchen”, but we are not conventional. Here are the photos:
We’re in Chinese news

2014-02-27 17:09 文章来源:驻爱沙尼亚经商参处
据爱沙尼亚BBN通讯社2月25日报道,英国广播公司(BBC)近日推出的一期名为“下一个硅谷(Next Silicon Valleys)”的节目向观众介绍了各个国家的创新企业和创新活动。在介绍爱沙尼亚时,BBC将其称之为“科技巨人”、“波罗的海的硅谷”。该节目向观众介绍了爱虚拟试衣公司,无中间费用的国际支付公司TransferWise,世界上最大的在线游戏编程公司Playtech以及世界上最著名的通讯软件公司Skype。